ONE YEAR AGO... We attempted to break the Guinness World Record for the World's Largest Paper Snowflake... and WE DID IT! One year later, we are the current record holders and feel victorious thanks to everyone who has helped and donated in support of this triumphant project.
THANK YOU to each and every one of you who donated and came out to our celebration!! We are so thankful to have had an incredible network of support throughout the entire process of this project. Without you, we would not have been able to reach our goal of $3,000!! With your help, we were able to install and exhibit our World Record Snowflake at the NIU Founder's Memorial Library until April 10th, 2023! Another major thank you to the City of DeKalb and our university partners who made all of this possible.
Our Snowflake on display at the NIU Founder's Memorial Library until April 10th, 2023.
NIU Photography Students helped create the World's Largest Paper Snowflake on March 29th, 2022, with the Mayor of DeKalb, Cohen Barnes in front of the World's Largest Paper Snowflake.
Beyond the World's Largest Paper Snowflake, the NIU Photography Department is currently working on a project that involves creating a more inclusive representation of individuals in STEM fields. We collaborate with faculty, students, and professionals in various STEM fields to create environmental portraits that portray their personalities and research. Our new goal is $5,000! The extension of this goal will help fund new equipment to enhance the professional experience for both the students and the participants in this project and beyond.
Behind the scenes from our first photoshoot of the semester.
Behind the scenes from our latest photoshoot.
A stellar dendrite is a single snowflake. It took us 10.5 hours to create the world's largest paper snowflake on the record attempt day. This level donation honors that amount of time and will cover one 8 oz bottle of Lineco Neutral pH Adhesive we need to glue the snowflake to backing paper for support.
17 NIU Photography students were involved in the project, and the size of our practice snowflake was 17 ft! This level donation will cover one quart of Lineco Neutral pH Adhesive we need to glue the snowflake to backing paper for support.
44 ft. 6.6 inches is the dimension of the Guinness World Record's Largest Paper Snowflake created by NIU Photography. This level donation will cover one gallon of Lineco Neutral pH Adhesive we need to glue the snowflake to backing paper for support.
Rolls of photography backdrop paper are 107” long. We used 6 of these to make the world's largest paper snowflake. This level donation will support the purchase of one 107' backdrop.
One snowflake may seem small, but 200 billion snowflakes stacked together can shut down an entire city! This level donation will cover one hour of labor expenses for the professional carpenters on the installation team.
Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley was the first person to photograph a snowflake! This level will cover Guinness World Record document certification fees. Help support the World’s Largest Paper Snowflake project at NIU!
This level donation will cover the entire cost of labor expenses for the professional carpenters on the installation team.