On March 29, 2022, NIU Photography students set a Guinness World Record for the Largest Paper Snowflake when we made one that is
44 feet and six inches!!
You can see the snowflake when it is displayed at NIU’s Founders Memorial Library from March 20 – April 10, 2023!
Come join us in celebration and have your picture taken with the world's largest paper snowflake in the background!!
After a year-and-a-half of online classes caused by the pandemic, NIU Photography students were excited to return to face-to-face classes. We decided to work on a class project that could only be completed together in-person. This is where the idea for the world’s largest paper snowflake came from!
Our practice snowflake was 17 feet across and gave us confidence to break the previous record. Our project is an example teamwork and collaboration. It represents the power of community and celebrates collective actions.
We know that a one person's impact may seem small, but when a community comes together, nothing is impossible!!
The snowflake's design includes a photograph submitted by each student. The record attempt took 10.5-hours and was live streamed from the NIU Convocation Center. It took almost six months for Guinness to let us know we had set the new world record, so now we are finally ready to celebrate!
We need your help to cover installation expenses for hanging the snowflake at NIU’s Founders Memorial Library.
Because of its enormous size and the public nature of the display, we had to hire professional carpenters to suspend the snowflake from the library's ceiling. Although this was the safest option to create a display for you to enjoy, these expenses were more than we could have anticipated. That is why we need your help to support this public display.
We hope that our community will come together now to help us reach our crowdfunding goal!
NIU Photography is
A stellar dendrite is a single snowflake. It took us 10.5 hours to create the world's largest paper snowflake on the record attempt day. This level donation honors that amount of time and will cover one 8 oz bottle of Lineco Neutral pH Adhesive we need to glue the snowflake to backing paper for support.
17 NIU Photography students were involved in the project, and the size of our practice snowflake was 17 ft! This level donation will cover one quart of Lineco Neutral pH Adhesive we need to glue the snowflake to backing paper for support.
44 ft. 6.6 inches is the dimension of the Guinness World Record's Largest Paper Snowflake created by NIU Photography. This level donation will cover one gallon of Lineco Neutral pH Adhesive we need to glue the snowflake to backing paper for support.
Rolls of photography backdrop paper are 107” long. We used 6 of these to make the world's largest paper snowflake. This level donation will support the purchase of one 107' backdrop.
One snowflake may seem small, but 200 billion snowflakes stacked together can shut down an entire city! This level donation will cover one hour of labor expenses for the professional carpenters on the installation team.
Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley was the first person to photograph a snowflake! This level will cover Guinness World Record document certification fees. Help support the World’s Largest Paper Snowflake project at NIU!
This level donation will cover the entire cost of labor expenses for the professional carpenters on the installation team.