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The Canadian Experience: Solo Performance Exchange

Raised toward our $8,000 Goal
111 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 26, at 12:05 AM CST
Project Owners


November 25, 2024

Thank you SO MUCH to the folks who have supported us so far - you've made our dream so much more of a reality!!!!

We are so very close to our ultimate goal of raising $16,000 and could use your help in our final push! Any amount you are willing to give to help us over our hump would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you for supporting and funding the arts!

With love,

The MFAs ❤️

Phase 1, Complete! Onto Phase 2!

October 30, 2024

Choose a giving level


L'Audition (Audition)

$8 for our 8 MFA Actors! || Help cover the cost of breakfast, snacks or a morning coffee run ☕️


Répétition (Rehearsal)

The cost of one ticket to the theatre is $25! -- For donating at the "Répétition" Level, you will receive: One group photo of the Actors in Québec!


Costumes Adjustement (Fitting)

The cost of transportation to Montreal will be around $50 per student! -- For donating at the "Costumes Adjustement" Level, you will receive: One group photo of the Actors in Québec! || A handwritten thank you card!


Répétition Générale (Dress)

One student's entire four show ticket bundle will cost around $100! -- For donating at the "Répétition Générale" Level, you will receive: One group photo of the Actors in Québec! || A handwritten thank you card! || An exclusive invitation to a performance of our solo pieces for you and one guest at NIU!


Aperçus (Preview)

One acting workshop costs $300 per student! -- For donating at the "Aperçus" Level, you will receive: One group photo of the Actors in Québec! || A handwritten thank you card! || An exclusive invitation to a performance of our solo pieces for you and one guest at NIU! || Your name in the solo performance program as a "Bronze" donor.


Soirée D'ouverture (Opening)

The cost of one round-trip plane ticket to Canada is around $600! -- For donating at the "Soirée D'ouverture" Level, you will receive: One group photo of the Actors in Québec! || A handwritten thank you card! || An exclusive invitation to a performance of our solo pieces for you and one guest at NIU! || Your name in the solo performance program as a "Silver" donor. || A group thank you video from all of us in Québec!


Soirée de Clôture (Closing)

The cost of our Airbnb is around $1,000! -- For donating at the "Soirée de Clôture" Level, you will receive: One group photo of the Actors in Québec! || A handwritten thank you card! || An exclusive invitation to a performance of our solo pieces for you and one guest at NIU! || Your name in the solo performance program as a "Gold" donor! || A personalized video message straight from Canada!

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