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Support the Next Generation of FLRPies - 2023

Raised toward our $4,500 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 03, at 12:05 AM CDT
Project Owners

Help Support the Foreign Language Residence Program

Our FLRP family is growing, and we need your support! The increase of students over the past year and this year is amazing! To keep this momentum strong, FLRP is looking for donations to support all the work and dedication of our native speakers, to pay for important cultural program excursions, and to provide scholarships for our students to study abroad. Your contributions are crucial to ensure the ongoing success and legacy of a program that has impacted students’ lives for more than 50 years. As we love to say, “Once a FLRPie, always a FLRPie!” 

Founded in 1972 by Dr. Raymond Tourville, FLRP is the longest-standing student program at NIU, and we hope to continue this legacy for another 50 years. The Foreign Language Residence Program has helped students immerse themselves in world languages and culture, increasing their fluency and preparing them to study abroad while earning one credit hour per semester.

FLRPies enjoy interacting with native speakers of French, Japanese, Spanish and Tagalog at dinners, weekly language nights, and cultural events. Through these interactions, they develop bonds with their fellow FLRPies and become part of an ever-growing family.

Students join FLRP not only because they want to improve their language skills, which makes them much more competitive in the job market, but also because they want to make personal connections and build lifelong friendships.

Each year, we travel to Oregon, Illinois, for a language retreat at NIU's scenic Lorado Taft field campus. The students benefit from leadership training, exposure to possible research topics, cultural investigation, and much more. We also have an annual international dinner where each language group performs skits, songs, and other entertainment in their target language for parents, faculty, and staff. The FLRPies also go on two or three field trips each semester to learn about different cultures. 

Last year, our Crowdfunding efforts were a huge success! Thank you to everyone who contributed. We were able to increase the scholarships for our Native Speakers and provide a study abroad scholarship to one of our FLRPies. 

Choose a giving level


General Support

Show your support for the Foreign Language Residence Program with this donation! All donations help the program grow.



Any amount is greatly appreciated and will be used to obtain learning materials for the FLRPies.


Cultural Immersions

Donations will help us fund cultural immersions.



$1500 will cover one bus to and from a cultural field trip but any amount toward transportation is greatly appreciated.


Study Abroad Scholarship

One of the biggest helps from FLRP to the FLRPies is the scholarships for studying abroad. In the past, FLRP would give out one to two scholarships yearly to study abroad and we had to stop because of funding. Let's bring back the scholarships!


Scholarship for Native Speaker

The heart of FLRP are the Native Speakers. Each semester the scholarship of $2000 per native speaker is needed. This donation will contribute to Native Speakers scholarship.

Our Crowdfunding Groups