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More Than Child Care

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
40 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 03, at 11:55 PM CDT
Project Owners

We did! We did it! We did it today!

April 27, 2021

We are thrilled to announce that we reached our stretch goal today - $4,000 - thanks to you! We are grateful and humbled by your generosity that will directly impact the Child Development and Family Center (CDFC) and the people they serve.

Huskies help Huskies, and the More than Child Care effort is a testament to that! Thank you. 

There's still time to get involved!

April 22, 2021

Thank you for your support! 

More than Child Care has raised $3,815 so far, thanks to 36 donors. Our stretch goal of $4,000 is in sight! Let's go out there and get it!

Here’s what you can do to help:

  • If you know of someone who is a fan/supporter of the CDFC, please reach out to them! They can help by sharing our message with their friends, family and followers.
  • If you know of a supporter who already made a donation, please reach out and thank them! We are so appreciative for their support.With 11 days to go, let's make every day count in supporting the Child Development and Family Center!

We asked, you responded! New Stretch Goal

April 16, 2021


Thanks to all of our wonderful donors,  we just surpassed our initial goal of $2,500! We are extremely grateful for your support!

With 17 days to go, we want to continue to build on what we have started for the Child Development and Family Center.

We've created a new stretch goal of $4,000. This will not only help us fund some of the smaller items on our wish-list, this will support the funding of larger items like sun shades for the playground and dishwashers for the classrooms.

Thank you again for your help! Please donate today and share our page with others! 


Almost halfway there!

April 14, 2021

We are nearing the halfway point and we just surpassed the halfway goal! Thank you to all of our generous donors!

The Child Development and Family Center is an integral part of NIU and each donation we receive makes a difference.

Please share the message of what More than Child Care means to you and encourage others to join our team.

Go Huskies!



We are on a roll!

April 07, 2021

In our first week, 16 donors have helped us raise $1,075 towards our More than Child Care project!

We thank you, and most of all, the children of the Child Development and Family Center thank YOU!

Please continue to share the message about More than Child Care. You can make a difference!


Day Two - We're off to a great start!

April 02, 2021

Thank you for a great start to NIU's More than Child Care crowdfunding campaign! In just one day, we are at 24 percent of our goal. 

Let's keep the momentum going and continue to share the Child Development and Family Center message with others.

We are grateful for your support. Go Huskies!  

Choose a giving level


Family Fund

Any dollar amount will go to support family education initiatives and/or be used as an emergency fund to help families in need. Thank you!


Sticky Situation

What holds precious crafts together and is the key ingredient in slime? Yes, it’s a gallon of glue, and a must-have for our budding artists.


Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor fun comes to life thanks to these playground essentials like bubbles and sidewalk chalk.


Vroom, vroom!

Little drivers need little cars and this amount will provide a pack of 25 assorted vehicles for children to safely test their skills.


Ready, set, draw!

Calling all artists! This amount will secure tools like construction paper, crayons, markers and other items to create that masterpiece.


Let's play

This level will provide a complete set of playground balls that are sure to keep children entertained.


Helping Hands

A donation to Helping Hands will provide 10 pairs of waterproof mittens which always seem to be in demand during chilly months.


Life's a beach

Our sandboxes are a close second to the beach! We need to replace our sandbox covers to keep our slice of the beach pristine, and your donation will help towards that!


Clean and green

Say goodbye to paper plates, cups and plastic ware! A donation will help fund additional dishwashers/installation which is an important step towards sustainability. We current need six dishwashers in classrooms!


Here comes the sun!

We love sunshine, but we also need protection from Mother Nature's bright rays. Our outdoor sun shades need to be replaced, and a donation to this level will help us enjoy the outdoors safely.

Our Crowdfunding Groups